The Importance Of Flexible IT Strategy

By Sasha Halloway

In this age and era of technology, organizations embrace the role of IT in the management of their operations. However, in order for IT professionals to correctly provide the required support, they need to have an IT strategy. In the next section, we look at how this critical strategy/plan should be made so that it works to serve its purpose.

For those who do not know already, this plan is the comprehensive plan that the professionals in the IT field would use to guide the organization to meet its goals and objectives. It should be comprehensive as defined to cover every facet of technology management in the organization. Technology drives almost everything within the organization, so the strategy should bear that in mind.

Once the extensive plan is ready, it should be put into action by professionals in IT. When they are the ones who direct every action of the extensive plan, then there are higher possibilities that it will succeed. Of course, since the professionals are experts in the field of information technology, they understand well why they need to work closely with other decision makers in the organization. Hence they will consult with all decision makers including user groups for the success of the extensive plan.

A good plan should address cost management, risk management, management of suppliers, hardware and software management and human capital management. It should be formal. Formal plans are easier to adopt and implement as opposed to informal plans. To effectively implement the plan, ensure to have it written down.

The other thing that the experts will look into is to see that the document is not too strict to lock out possibility of amendment. There are many reasons why the document should be made in such nature. For instance, organizations continue to evolve and the extensive plan must always reflect and meets its present needs. So, it should not be rigid so that it can be amended with every need. Similarly, financial situation of an organization determine how the extensive plan is put into action so it should also be ready for amendment to suit the unique financial needs of the organization. The other reason of course is technology which also changes and the extensive plan must also respond to the changes.

Of course there are several other reasons that may call for changing of the plan and which should be noted as well. For instance, the plan ought to match the available skills and competencies in an organization. Yet, there is no guarantee that the skills and competencies would remain constant.

Time also brings better understanding to user needs and business objectives. As such, a plan like this may need to be adjusted to match this new understanding. This can only be where the strategy is flexible to allow changes. The idea is that business priorities should always be the prime concern when setting up the plan.

There are bound to be many benefits if the IT strategy is formulated well and executed properly. For instance, processes will be automated. In turn, the company efficiency will improve with automation. At the same time employees would be able to work more in that the reports would run fast, queries would be created comfortably, projects would be easily tracked and financials can be accurately monitored. To share in such benefits, you should endeavor to employ professionals in the IT field to help you set up your strategy and roll it out for you.

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