Services Offered By An ED Scribe

By Hassie J. Jewess

An ED scribe, or an emergency department scribe, is a very well trained medical scribe who works with physicians attending emergency room patients. The core goal of an emergency scribe is to keep complete and accurate records of all the patients being visited by the doctor they have been assigned to. It is not easy for emergency room doctors to properly attend to all of their patients since the ER is a very hectic place with people constantly coming and going. Even if a doctor wanted to take the time to speak at length with their patients and ensure that all of their treatments have been chosen properly, the reality of many hospitals is that there is not enough time for such high quality care.

Emergency scribe professionals change that for doctors by doing almost all of their medical documentation for them and thus freeing up their time. As the doctor is conversing with their patients, checking blood pressure, and performing other procedures, the emergency doctor scribe documents everything that is going on so that it can be referenced later in the patient's medical history file. Saving time for a doctor in the ER can mean the difference between rapidlyrunning from one patient to another and taking the time to offer quality care.

If every doctor in the emergency room of a busy hospital were to have their own ER scribe to work with, imagine how much time would be saved. Hospital managers know that time is money and that doctors are really wasting their time with much of the simple medical paperwork that they fill out during each of their shifts. Emergency departments function much more efficiently in hospitals where ER doctors are assigned scribes to help them with paperwork.

Certain staffing committees in hospitals have opted not to hire emergency doctor scribe workers because they fear going over budget because of it. The reality, however, is that several case studies have shown documented evidence that improved patient care and physician efficiency actually makes hiring medical record scribe ER employees a wise choice.

If you are studying to enter the medical field and would like to experience the reality of working as an ER doctor, you should consider becoming an ED scribe. You will get to know ways to deal with hectic situations and will see the rewards of working in this field as an ER scribe.

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