Electronic Article Surveillance Use And Its Benefits

By Annabelle Newton

One major concern of retail store owners is shoplifting. It can really affect profit gained by the establishment. It reduces the potential for profit since the merchandise you have left is less than expected. A responsible business owner would employ means to secure his source of income and his employees'. There have been various technologies developed to securing that much easier. Installing an electronic article surveillance for the merchandise you sell is an effective way in safeguarding them.

EAS is a development in technology that aims to prevent shoplifting. There are tags being fixed to merchandise that will be removed upon purchase. Scanners are positioned at exits of the store that will detect these tags when brought out. They would sound the alarm that alerts staff of the possible theft. Aside from tags, wired chips may also be used.

There are several benefits to their use in the retail stores. One would be the decrease on customer theft as well as staff fraud. Making people aware that there are challenges to executing their plan on lifting your goods would make them forgo it. Seeing that there is that risk of getting caught would discourage them from committing the crime.

If the theft does occur, this would be stopped right away since the tags on the goods set off the alarms. This will get your staff's attention to the person taking the goods out. You just need to ascertain that there is enough staff to go after him and man the store.

You also would not need to hire more staff than necessary. It is important for you to have enough but having EAS would eliminate the need to have someone to monitor the customers while they shop. This would give you more savings.

You have plenty of choices as to the tags you want to get. There are hard tags you can use and those wired chips. You may want visible tags or discrete ones. These choices make you choose how you want to counter theft. It may be ideal to use some concealed tags so when there are attempts to deactivate tags, they would not be included and would still set off alarms. This is very ideal for high value items that you have.

Manufacturers also tag merchandise before distribution. This lessens your expenses and the time spent on tagging the items in store. Source tagging allow for tags to be concealed and they are much more difficult to remove.

It is really important you safeguard your investments. Operating a store is hard enough. You need to make sure that everything is secure. You need employees you can trust and you need systems that make your store safer from shoplifters. There are many advancements that will help with that and it is beneficial that you make use of them.

Keeping a profit would help you grow the business. Making use of systems help to keep it that way would be wise and is necessary. The electronic article surveillance is a very important component to your stores' security and is imperative to have for retail store operators.

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